
/\  Time Lines /\

Links to other progressive initiatives:

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Southern Environmental Law Center          

Institute for Christian Socialism    

Women's Reproductive Rights Assistance Project

Poor People’s Campaign - Led by Dr. William Barber II and Liz Theoharis

Cornell West for President  

Fairchain Foundation

People's Party - Endorsed by Dr. Cornell West, Chris Hedges

Center for Responibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)

Center for Humane Technology

Population Matters - Mythbusting

The New Sanctuary Movement

South River Forest Coalition - The group attempting to save the forest in S. Atlanta from 'Cop City'.

Clamoring For Change - Mission Statement: “Clamoring for Change is a space that seeks to bring together people who are interested in effecting meaningful societal change regarding important social issues. We hope to help reduce societal polarization and promote civil dialogue by building a community of people with diverse views, opinions, and ideas, who are willing to share, listen, and learn—people who not only want to bring about change but who are also open to experiencing change themselves.

I was first attracted to it when I read an article in the AJC (1/12/18) by the blog’s originator Dr. Guy Nave, a professor of religion at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. That article pertained to what I have always thought is one of the most interesting moments in American history.

That is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy, and how that legacy has been subverted and ‘cleansed’ by mass media to essentially ignore the last year of his life. On April 4, 1967 he significantly and heroically broadened the scope of his movement from racism, equal opportunity and poverty to include the issues of US militarism and extreme materialism.

On that day he gave his ‘Beyond Vietnam’ speech at Riverside Church in New York City, one of the highlights of which was his statement that the United States is “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” He was assassinated exactly one year later, and 4 days after Lyndon Johnson had announced his intention not to run for re-election. It was clear that Dr. King’s message was beginning to get traction with the political left, and gain the attention of a very large segment of the American people.

The suppliers of the military-industrial complex knew that they were about to lose control.

Sanctions Kill


Socialist Worker

International Socialist Alternative

Socialist Alternative

Workers World

Interfaith Power and Light

Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Christians Against Christian Nationalism - New Yorker: A Christian's Thoughts on the Problem of Christian Nationalism     



Faith In Public Life

Carthage Church

Vineyard USA

Center For The Advancement of The Steady State Economy - CASSE

Equal Justice Initiative

Green Shadow Cabinet


Occupy Sandy

Occupy’s 15 Core Issues

People’s Power Assemblies


Industrial Workers of the World

Open Debates

Occupy Wall Street Live Stream

Georgia Peace and Justice

The People’s Budget

Move Your Money

Coalition To Protest At The DNC

NAF: Violence Statistics Aimed At Family Planning Clinics

Healthcare For The 99%

Organization For A Free Society

Occupy Atlanta

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City - “...no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power.”

The 99% Declaration

Short Speech By Jill Stein

We Are The 99%

Occupy Live Streams

Occupy Wall Street

Never Take A Plea

The New Bottom Line

Waging Nonviolence

October 2011.org

Public Citizen

Democracy Is For People

Physicians for a National Health Program

Mad As Hell Doctors

Health Care Voting Bloc

Labor For Single Payer

Unions For Single Payer

Trust Women

UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change


Rosenberg Fund for Children


Cost of War



Evangelical Environmental Network

Dogwood Alliance

Dogwood Alliance Destruction in Disguise


Glenn Greenwald - Absolute, hands-down best blogger on the net.

Make Wall Street Pay

Afghan Women’s Mission

Bail Out People

Georgia Green Party

Food First

Food & Water Watch

Environmental Action

Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund - Helping to defend community rights against corporate takeover of services and infrastructure

8 Great Eco-Charities That Don’t Suck Up to Large Corporate Donors - Super-cheap way to support the environment on Earth Day or any other day.

Sacred Ground

Stop FBI - For some reason, Obama has empowered the FBI to crack down on legal and peaceful anti-war demonstrators. Patrick Fitzgerald, the guy who got the Bush Admin off the hook in the Plame affair, put pressure on both juries that went after Blago boy after he threatened to quit doing business with BoA is leading the way. This initiative flies in the face of everything we thought Obama stood for and also by the way the Constitution’s First and Fourth Amendments. Stop FBI fights Obama’s aggressive anti-American initiative. Click on their ‘About’ link for a quick synopsis of their reason for coming into being.

Free Speech for People

Millions Against Monsanto

AP: Seafood From Slavery - Democracy-NOW Report

Begin Slavery...

UK Guardian: Modern Day Slavery

Global Slavery Index

Freedom United - Easy to access facts about what products and countries are involved in the use of slave and child-slave labor. Slavery in third world countries is rampant and a large share of it is child-slavery. And though you may find the idea abhorrent, we all buy into it every day


Freedom Network

Safe Horizon - Fighting domestic violence and human trafficking

ATEST - Alliance To End Slavery and Trafficking

International Labor Rights Forum

Fair Trade USA

Social Accountability International

End Slavery...

Flyer’s Rights

Prosecute George Bush for Murder

The Irrawaddy - Burmese exile/resistance website. Best source for finding out what’s really going on there.

Backbone Campaign

After-Shock: New book from Robert Reich outlines how disparity in incomes by 2007 had raised the portion going to the richest 1% to the same level that existed just before the 1929 meltdown. The rest of us were denied the income necessary to purchase the goods that we produced. Worker productivity had been increasing for almost 100 years, but worker take home pay has remained stagnant at 1970 levels. That’s always a recipe for economic decline. One of the Reich’s recommendations: improved Medicare for all - Single Payer.

English Al Jazeera

We The Many

Hands Off Our Medicare

Spiritual Progressives

On Being

Accountability Now

Move To Amend - Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United vs. FEC

Pledge for Democracy

Reclaim Democracy

Stop The Spraying

Words of Wisdom

Media Matters

Open Secrets

Mobilization for Health Care for All

Citizen Funded Elections

Prosperity Agenda

A New Way Forward

Tax Wall Street


Crew’s Archive on Nathan Deal

Citizens United Against Citizens United

Don’t Get Rolled

The War is Making you Poor

Rights Action

Facts on the Concentration of Wealth

Progressive Links