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Guttmacher Institute: Lessons from Before Roe: Will Past Be Prologue?

Wiki: Criminal Proceedings in the Jan 6 Capitol Attack - As of March 2024: 500 people have been sentenced and 1,358 people have been criminally charged. See entries of 9/29/22, 10/20, 8/31/23 below.

Debt Limit Drama: The debt limit was raised three times during the Trump administration from $19.9T to $27T with zero drama. Under George Bush it was raised seven times from $5.95T to $11.3T with no drama.

Investopedia: Average Yearly Inflation by President     


Reuters: Netanyahu Promises More War, Dashing Peace Hopes After Hamas Leader Killed - Here's the real reason that he will never accept a cease fire.


Common Dreams: US Deploys B-2 Stealth Bombers to Attack Yemem Without Congressional Approval - See US Constitution, Article 1, Clause 11.


Common Dreams: Israeli Strikes on Gaza Hospital, Refugee Camps Kill Dozens         


Common Dreams: Alarm as Pentagon Confirms Deployment of US Troops to Israel - "Netanyahu is as close as he has ever been to his ultimate wish: making the U.S. fight Iran on Israel's behalf."


Guardian: Israel Used US-Supplied Bombs in Attack that Killed 22 - "The Biden-Harris administration gave Israel at least 3,000 of these munitions from October-December 2023 alone."


Common Dreams: Historic ICC War Crimes Complaint Names 1,000 Israeli Soldiers     


ProPublica: Inside the State Department's Weapons Pipeline to Israel - "Leaked cables and emails show how the agency’s top officers dismissed internal evidence of Israelis misusing American-made bombs and worked around the clock to rush more out while the Gaza death toll mounted."


Guardian: How the Fossil Fuel Industry Helps Spread Anti-Protest Laws Across the US - OMG! It's a conspiracy between the lobbyists and lawmakers, so of course we know that never happens. Never mind.     


Common Dreams: Blinken Faces Calls to Resign Over Lie That Israel Is Not Blocking Gaza Aid       


Common Dreams: Israeli Bombardment Kills 350+ in Lebanon as Fury Over US Complicity Grows - "At least two dozen children and 42 women were reportedly among those killed by Israeli bombs on Monday."               


Guardian: Seven People Killed in Israeli Airstrike on Gaza City School Shelter - Another day, another war crime using our tax money. So now we're paying for two different conflicts beween Israel, Hamas and Hezbollah.


Guardian: Trump-Aligned Georgia Election Board Votes 3-2 to Require Hand-Count on Election Day            


Democracy-NOW: Lebanon: 37 Dead, 3,400+ Injured in Wave of Explosions in Electronic Devices Booby-Trapped by Israel       


Common Dreams: Sanders Leads New Senate Effort to Stop Flow of US Arms to Israel     

ProPublica: Candi Miller Didn't Have to Die. But "Pro-Lifers" Killed Her, - Christian compassion? I wonder what Jesus would do. And she wasn't the only one. Praise the Lord!!!         

Guardian: Network of Georgia Election Officials Strategizing to Undermine 2024 Result       

Common Dreams: 'Terrorism': Israel Behind Pager Explosions That Killed 11, Wounded Thousands - This number eventually reached 37 killed and thousands wounded, after a second round the next day according to AP. This event triggered attacks between Israel and Hezbollah, at our expense.     


Common Dreams: Gaza Officials Publish List of Those Killed in Israeli Assault. The First 14 Pages Are Babies       


Intercept: Kamala and Her Neo-Con Supporters       


Common Dreams: Matt Nelson Self-Immolates to Protest Israel's Gaza Onslaught     


Guardian: Emory University Targeted by Anti-Palestinian Group: 'It's Scary' - Here's an example of how free speech is muzzled at Emory: At the 13:02 mark of this video is an example of a faculty member peacefully protesting and being assaulted by Atlanta Police. She was later charged with assault. At 13:24 begins an interview with the Chairwoman of the Emory Philosophy Dept describing the violent assault by Atlanta police.

Emory was later investigated by the US Dept. of Education.       

Common Dreams: 50+ US Lawmakers Hold Military Stocks - "...the personal benefit of (these members of Congress) is factored into decisions about how to wield and fund the largest military in the world..."     


Common Dreams: Wyden Says Trillions in Taxes Dodged by Ultra-Rich Could Fund Social Security Until 2100     


Guardian: Israel Launches Deadly Strike on al-Mawasi 'Humanitarian Zone', Khan Younis Safe Zone, At Least 19 Palestinians Murdered - This comes after Israeli Defense Minister Gallant stated that 'Hamas as a military formation no longer exists' in Gaza. So who and why are they bombing?

Al Jezeera: 32 Palestinians Killed and 100 Wounded in Past 24 Hours     


Common Dreams: How Long Can US Lawmakers Ignore These Images of Child Carnage in Gaza?            


Al Jazeera: IDF Targets Homes, Kills 33 in Single Day     


Guardian: Israeli Podcasters Are Laughing About Genocide. What Would it Take to Stop?       

Guardian: ‘Deeply disturbed’ White House calls for inquiry into killing of Ayşenur Eygi - A warning to any other US citizens about joining the protests?  

Democracy-Now: UN Issues Dire Warning on Gaza as Israel Hinders Polio Vaccination Drive          


Common Dreams: Maine's Largest City Becomes First on US East Coast to Back Israel Divestment     

Common Dreams: Harris Capitulates to Wall Street - Proposes a capital gains tax that is 10% smaller than the Biden plan.    


Democracy-NOW: Former Israeli Hostage Negotiator Slams Netanyahu for Blocking Ceasefire Deal               


DailyDot: Green Party Members Trash AOC After She Calles Jill Stein 'Predatory' - From the article:

Stein quickly hit back, swiping at Ocasio-Cortez that “what’s seriously predatory is pretending your candidate is ‘working tirelessly for a ceasefire’ when in reality they’re actively arming and funding genocide,...

Democrats sue to kick us off ballots, hire operatives to infiltrate and sabotage us, lock us out of debates, fight ranked-choice voting, then act concerned that Greens have only won 1,400 elections. So which party is authentic, and which is predatory?”


Some of her supporters: "AOC trying her best to drag Jill Stein for ‘showing up every four years and doing nothing,’ after sitting idle in office for the past 11 months, watching a genocide unfold, is next-level scumbaggery,”...

"Kamala Harris honeymoon is over, so now Democrats are panicking. So they ordered AOC and a bunch of liberals to mass smear Dr. Jill Stein out of desperation,”...

"This is a really embarrassing thing to watch—supposed progressives being attack dogs for a party and a candidate that is literally complicit in genocide while trading the only anti-genocide candidate on enough state ballots to win the election.”

“See, we don’t take no PAC money. We are not knee deep in Raytheon and Lockheed Martin and y’all’s blood money,”

“Predatory is murdering 41,000 people in 11 months and then when they try to speak up, muzzling them when they come up on the stage. You slaughter Palestinians like animals and then you muzzle them like animals,”  



Common Dreams: Israel Kills 11 in Bombing of Gaza Shelter as Urgent Polio Vaccination Effort Begins - How do you vaccinate kids while they dodge bombs?


NBC News: Protestors Pack Streets of Tel Aviv After IDF Found 6 Hostages Shot to Death     


Al Jazeera: Israeli Attacks Kill 61 in Nuseirat Refugee Camp     

Intercept: Israel's West Bank Attacks Fuel its Annexation Plans     


Democracy-Now: Harris Flip-Flops on Support for Fracking     

Intercept: Harris Will Continue to Ignore U.S. Law and Arm Israel, If Elected     


Al Jazeera: Aid Delivery in Gaza is Nearly Impossible. Why Hasn't the US Intervened?     


Common Dreams: ICC Urged to Probe Israel's Alleged Torture of Gaza Medical Workers - Also see Yes Magazine: Claims of Mass Rape By Hamas Unravel Upon Investigation,

Snopes: Unpacking the Claim That UN Found 'No Proof' of Sexual Violence Comitted by Hamas in Oct. 7 Attack,

Guardian: Palestinian Prisoners Describe Systemic Abuse including Sexual Violence in Israel's Jails,

Intercept: Video of Sexual Abuse At Israeli Prison is Just Latest Evidence SDE Teiman is a Torture Site,

Common Dreams: 'Insane Torture': Israeli Soldiers Confirm Horrific Abuse of Palestinians at Sde Teiman


Guardian: Blinken Condemned for'Empty Words' on Genocide as US Backs Israel's Obliteration of Gaza - From the article: "You are currently arming, funding and defending a genocide in Gaza. That is how history will remember you."     

Guardian: FBI Informant's Book Predicts Far-Right Violence: 'We Should Be Afraid'     

Guardian: 'Far From Ideal': DeSantis's War on 'Woke' Colleges Goes Painfully Awry      


Guardian: Israeli Airstrikes Kill At Least 36 Palestinians in Southern Gaza - Another day, another 36+ Palestinians murdered; another family of 11 + and at least 2 innocent children.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the American people are complicit in Netanyahu's ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Never Forget!


Mercury News: Full Text of Kamala Harris' Acceptance Speech -


"My entire career, I have only had one client. The People."

"I promise to be a President for all Americans."

"You can always trust me to put country above party and self."

"As Attorney General of California, I took on the Big Banks. Delivered $20 billion for middle-class families who faced foreclosure. And helped pass a Homeowner Bill of Rights—one of the first of its kind." Completely false.    

"...we will create what I call an opportunity economy. An opportunity economy where everyone has a chance to compete and a chance to succeed. Whether you live in a rural area, small town, or big city.

As President, I will bring together: Labor and workers, Small business owners and entrepreneurs, And American companies.

To create jobs. Grow our economy. And lower the cost of everyday needs. Like health care. Housing. And groceries.

We will: Provide access to capital for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and founders. We will end America’s housing shortage. And protect Social Security and Medicare.

"...we will pass a middle class tax cut that will benefit more than 100 million Americans."

"I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that (Trump) killed. And I will sign it into law."

I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that the terrorist organization Hamas caused on October 7th. Including unspeakable sexual violence and the massacre of young people at a music festival.

At the same time, what has happened in Gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. So many innocent lives lost. Desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, over and over again. The scale of suffering is heartbreaking.

President Biden and I are working to end this war such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity. Security. Freedom. And self-determination."

These are the promises that she made. Also see entry of 8/16 for more promises. Why does "The Big Rock Candy Mountain" keep playing in my head?

Other policy positions:

She does not support a ban on fracking.

Guardian: Harris Wants to Bring 'Joy, Joy, Joy' to Americans. What About Palestinians?     


Al Jazeera: Israel's War on Gaza: Israeli Attacks Kill At Least 40 in Gaza     

Intercept: US-Led Ceasefire Talks Are Just Buying More Time for Israel's Genocide     


Common Dreams: The Best Bill Pascrell Takedowns of 'Lowlife' Trump and His 'Soulless Goons'     


Intercept: Democratic Party Unites Under Banner of Silence on Gaza Genocide     

Guardian: Countries Fueling Israel's Gaza War May Be Complicit In War Crimes - Biden, Harris and Netanyahu and others are war criminals. What ever happened to 'Never Forget'?

Common Dreams: Gaza Doctors Urge Harris to Back Israel Arms Embargo at Democratic Convention     


CounterPunch: Phil Donahue Changed My Life and Millions of Others - Phil Donahue had the courage to stand up to the corporate masters when he knew it meant we were about to kill a lot of innocent people here and abroad. "Weapons of Mass Destruction" was just a marketing phrase. Big Oil wanted Iraq's oil fields. It cost Donahue his career - in much the same manner as Dan Rather's forced resignation when he reported how Chucklehead Bush went AWOL from the Texas National Guard 1972-73. Rather’s sources were questionable, but his facts are not.

Guardian: Democratic Party's 92-Page Platform Lacks a Call For Arms Embargo on Israel     


Common Dreams: IDF Slaughter Continues; Blinken Heads to Israel     


Al Jazeera: Kids 'Torn to Pieces' as Israeli Hits az-Zawayda  While World Focuses on Peace Talks       


Reuters: Harris Pledges to Tackle Costs, Build Houses, Lower Taxes - From the article:

"She said she would cut taxes for most Americans, ban "price gouging" by grocery stores... build more affordable housing, introduce a $25,000 tax credit for first-time home buyers,  introduce a new child tax credit of as much as $6,000 for families with infants, cut taxes for families with kids and lower prescription drug costs...called for the construction of 3 million new housing units over four years and a tax incentive for home builders who build homes for first-time buyers, no tax increases for people making less than $400,000/yr. She says she will be "laser focused." - what a rediculous expression.  

Common Dreams: 'Insane Torture': Israeli Soldiers Confirm Horrific Abuse of Palestinians at Sde Teiman     

Al Jazeera: 'Pure Terrorism: World Reacts to Israeli Settler Attack in West Bank     


Guardian: Gaza Death Toll Hits 40,000 With Thousands More Yet to be Counted     


Common Dreams: Bernie Sanders: Trump is Setting the Stage for Election Denial     

NBC News: Netanyahu Added Conditions That Complicated Gaza Negotiations, Officials Say - Also see entry of 7/12.    


Common Dreams: After Billions More for Israeli Military, Biden Joins Call for Cease-Fire     


Guardian: Thousands Flee Khan Younis After Israel Warns of New Offensive       

Common Dreams: Palestinians Say US Responsible for Latest Massacre of Children in Gaza     


Guardian: Israel-Gaza War: Dozens Reported Dead After Israeli Strike on Gaza School     


Intercept: Video of Sexual Abuse At Israeli Prison is Just Latest Evidence SDE Teiman is a Torture Site     

BBC: Harris Rejects Claims She Would Support Israel Arms Embargo     


Guardian:Israel Minister Condemned for Saying Starvation of Millions in Gaza Might Be 'Justified and Moral'       

Common Dreams: US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel to Skip Nagasaki Memorial After Israel Not Invited - Emanuel has made nothing but mistakes during and after being disgraced as Obama's Chief of Staff.


Politico: We Volunteered at a Gaza Hospital. What We Saw Was Unspeakable

DropSite: Microsoft Encourages Employee Donations to Illegal West Bank Settlements, While Barring UNRWA       


Guardian: Bernie: Democrats Should Run on a Progressive Economic Agenda. Americans Are Ready     

Guardian: Palestinian Prisoners Describe Systemic Abuse including Sexual Violence in Israel's Jails       

Common Dreams: Investigation Exposes Big Tech Ties to Israeli Genocide in Gaza     

Guardian: US Supreme Court Won't Stop Trump sentencing from going ahead     


Common Dreams: As Venezuela Court Probes Election Results, US Declares Victory for Right-Wing Opposition - "Venezuela's foreign ministry hit back at the U.S. State Department, accusing it of spearheading a "coup attempt."

Keep in mind that Venezuela has by far more proven oil reserves than any other country in the world. Big oil wants to get control of that.

Ironically, the US is sponsoring a campaign in Venezuela analogous to Trump's 'stop the steal' campaign here in 2020. But that's not exactly the way we are hearing it on major cable channels.

Intercept: U.S. Sanctions Have Devastated Venezuela. How Does That Help Democracy?     


Common Dreams: Progressives Warn Against Josh Shapiro as Kamala Harris Nears VP Choice - Meaning this is probably exactly who she'll pick. Main stream Dems are petrified that progressives will actually gain some power.     


Intercept: Boycotts Against Israel are Hurting Starbucks and McDonald's Sales Worldwide     

Guardian: Global Methane Emissions Rising At Fastest Rate in Decades, Scientists Warn       


Intercept: Now a Lame Duck, Biden Finally Floats Supreme Court Reforms     


Drop Site: IDF Destroys Key Rafah Water Facility Rachel Corrie Spent Her Last Month on Earth Defending - ...using US taxpayer money, and then the IDF bragged about it on social media    

Common Dreams: Israel's Gaza Onslaught Continues as Concerns Rise Over Escalation With Hezbollah - "A barrage of Israeli strikes across Gaza killed many dozen Palestinians over the weekend, while a strike attributed to Hezbollah killed 12 children in Israeli-controlled territory." US taxpayers facilitate mass murder of Palestinians by their silence. And the beat goes on.


Common Dreams: US Healthcare Wrokers Back From Gaza Tell Harris and Biden: 'End This Madness Now' "Every day that we continue supplying weapons and munitions to Israel is another day that women are shredded by our bombs and children are murdered with our bullets."  


Guardian: Israel Tried to Frustrate US Lawsuit Over Pegasus Spyware, Leak Suggests       


Common Dreams: 'Not in Our Name': Hundreds Arrested at Jewish-Led Protest Ahead of Netanyahu Speech - "The Israeli government is using U.S funding and weapons to slaughter and starve Palestinians in Gaza," said one peace advocate. "Americans—including Jewish Americans—are disgusted by our own government's complicity in this genocide."  


Guardian: Seven Major US Labor Unions Call on Biden to 'Shut Off Military Aid to Israel'                 


Common Dreams: Israel's West Bank Assault Sparks 250% Surge in Killings of Palestinian Kids     

Common Dreams: Harris Urged to Take 'Clear Stance' Against Weapons Sales for Israel     

Drop Site News: Harris' Long History of Support For Whatever Policy Israel Pursues     


Intercept: The ICJ Ruling Confirms What Palestinians Have Been Saying For 57 Years     


Al Jazeera: Israeli Attacks Kill More Than 80 in 24 hours - From article: "At least eight UN-run schools sheltering people in Gaza have been hit in the past 10 days, the UNRWA head says. In nine months of war, 70 percent of UNRWA schools in Gaza have been bombed and 539 people sheltering there have been killed."

Common Dreams: 81 Killed in 24 Hours as Israel Continues Targeting UN School Shelters in Gaza     


CNN: Gazans Endure Deadly Weekend of Israeli Strikes as UN Chief Laments 'Incomprehensible and Inexcusable' Destruction          

Intercept: With Media Enamored by US Presidential Race, Israeli Massacres in Gaza Get Even Deadlier     


Guardian: AOC to Anonymous Democrat Who Said Party Resigned to Trump Win: 'Retire'  

Common Dreams: World 'Cannot Remain Silent in the Face of This Endless Massacre', Says Lula       


Al Jazeera: Israeli Strikes on al-Mawasi Kill At Least 90     


CNN: Netanyahu Reverses on Key Israeli Concession in Ceasefire Talks     

Common Dreams: Biden Sends Another 1,700 500-lb Bombs to Israel     

Common Dreams: Entire Families Among Dozens of Bodies Recovered After Israel's Gaza City Onslaught    

Guardian: Why Did Delta Air Lines Tweet That the Palestinian Flag is 'Terrifying'?     


Guardian: Israeli Weapons Packed With Shrapnel Causing Devastating Injuries to Children in Gaza     


Common Dreams: Israeli Settler Attacks in West Bank Surpass 1,000 Since Oct. 7     


Common Dreams: The Land Theft Continues. Israel Announces Biggest West Bank Seizure in Over 30 Years


Common Dreams: AOC Vows to File Articles of Impeachment After Whore Court Trump Ruling - Our country now begins the slow deterioration into mob rule.

CBS News: Supreme Court Rules Trump Has Absolute Immunity From Prosecution    


BBC: More Wounded Palestinians Tell BBC the Israeli Army Forced Them on to Jeep         


Common Dreams: 'The Stakes Could Not Be Higher': Debate Disaster Ignites Calls for Biden to Step Aside - Just as in 2000 - Gore, 2004 - Kerry, 2016 - Hillary, the Democratic National Committee chose a very weak and uninspiring nominee. As a result, most voters just stayed home, not seeing any difference that nominee would make for them if elected.

The DNC made the same mistake again this year, and the party is now in disarry. When the Democrats lose again this year, the DNC will blame everyone but themselves, and most especially third party voters.

Common Dreams: 'Gift to Corporate Greed': Dire Warnings as Supreme Court Scraps Chevron Doctrine - The five idealogues on the court care nothing about precedent. The court is now a corporate, right-wing free-for-all.

Guardian: Israel Destroys 11 Homes in West Bank Village Amid Spiralling Violence - Article 54 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949: ""Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations."

It is also considered a crime by the International Criminal Court.


Intercept: 62 Democrats Join 207 Republicans in Vote to Conceal Gaza Death Toll     


Intercept: The Night That Won't End: Biden's War on Gaza     

Guardian: Jamaal Bowman's Primary Defeat Leaves Progressives Angry at Role of AIPAC - Bernie Sanders: “...it is an outrage and an insult to democracy that we maintain a corrupt campaign finance system which allows billionaire-funded Super Pacs to buy elections....

“Aipac and other Super Pacs spent over $23 million to defeat Bowman. He spent $3 million. That is a spending gap which is virtually impossible to overcome,” he said, adding: “It is not a coincidence that with our corrupt campaign finance system we also have a rigged economy that allows the very rich to get much richer while many working people are falling further behind. Big Money buys politicians who will do their bidding, and the results are clear.”


Intercept: Israel's War on Gaza is the Deadlliest Conflict On Record for Journalists     


Al Jazeera: Israel War on Gaza Live: At Least 42 Killed in Shati and Tuffah and 101 Palestinians in 24 Hours - From the article: 4 children starved to death in the last week.


Snopes: Unpacking the Claim That UN Found 'No Proof' of Sexual Violence Comitted by Hamas in Oct. 7 Attack - Also linked from this article is "Unraveling Palestine: Understanding Its Location and the Palestinian Identity"         


Al Jazeera: UN: 50,000 Gaza Children Require Urgent Treatment for Malnutrition     


OpenSecrets: Trump Fundraising Off of Conviction After Sinking Millions of Dollars in Donor Funds for Legal Costs - From the article: "Trump's political operation has spent about $184 million in legal fees since 2016, with the bulk of that spending in the years following the former president's failed reelection bid in 2020."  


BBC: Israel, Hamas Accused of War Crimes in New UN Report    

The Intercept: Israel's New Air War in the West Bank: Nearly Half of the Dead Are Children     

Guardian: Louisiana Supreeme Court Hands Major Victoryu to Child Sexual-Abuse Victims     


Guardian: UN: 'Unprecedented Scale' of Violations Against Children in Gaza, West Bank and Israel - The slaughter continues. Genocide Joe's response: 'Meh.'


Guardian: World Outrage Over Latest Massacre in Gaza     

Guardian: Why Are America's Elite Universities So Afraid of This Scholar's Paper? - From the article: “I felt convinced by my work if it’s generating this repression...People can see through these authoritarian tactics and reject them. The censorship in this case is actually counterproductive.”

See also "Israeli Supreme Court green lights Israel's 'Cyber Unit' that works with social media giants to censor user content"  

"This censorship is conducted in collaboration and coordination with social media outlets, including U.S.-based giants Facebook and Twitter."


Aljazeera: Israel's War on Gaza: Death Toll From Nuseirat Attack Rises to 210     

Guardian: Israel Has Destroyed or Damaged 80% of Schools in Gaza     


Democracy-Now: Israel' Widespread Use of White Phosphorus in Lebanon, Gaza Violates Int'l Law               


AP: Israeli Strike Kills at Least 33 People at a Gaza School     

B'Tselem: Manufacturing Famine: Israel is Committing the War Crime of Starvation in the Gaza Strip     

Reuters: 40 Sheltering Palestinians Killed After Israeli Strikc on UN School in Gaza    


Guardian: Starvation Already Causing Many Deaths and Lasting Harm in Gaza         


Al Jazeera: Gaza: The War on Hospitals     

Guardian: Donald Trump Had Lots of Negative Opinions About Felons. Now He is One.  


Guardian: Where is Joe Biden's Fury About Decapitated Palestinian Babies? - 5 min. read. An excellent summarization of the hypocracy in the US media and both 'major parties' as they manufacture consent for the slaughter that is going on in Gaza. There is inadequate taxpayer money for health care, schools, affordable housing, education, infrastructure, and government services. "But there’s always money for bombs."  

Common Dreams: UN Experts Demand Accountability for 'Barbaric' Israeli Tent Massacre in Rafah     

Intercept: These Convictions Thwart Trump's Plan to Pardon Himself    


NYTimes: Israel Used U.S.-Made Bombs in Strike That Killed Dozens in Rafah - Palestinian civilians were told this would be a safe zone. See entry of 5/27.       

Al Jazeera: 'Rafah is on Fire': Israel's War on Gaza Live     

Time: 'Anyone Who Signs a Bomb is a Sociopath': Critics Slam Nikki Haley's Israeli Missle Stunt     


Guardian: Spying, Hacking and Intimidation: Israel's Nine-Year 'War' on the ICC Exposed     


Al Jazeera: 'Heinous Massacre': Israel's Attack on Rafah Tent Camp Widely Condemned - Israel Attacked Rafah at Night, All the People Burned - What kind of people do this? US taxpayers buy all of the weapons.


BBC: Israeli Activists Battle Over Gaza-Bound Aid Convoys     

Intercept: The Media Still Doesn't Grasp the Danger of Trump     


Intercept: Gaza's Stolen Healers - “Dr. Adnan’s case raises serious concerns that he died following torture at the hands of Israeli authorities. His death demands an independent international investigation,” Tlaleng Mofokeng, the United Nations special rapporteur on the right to health, said in a statement last week." Per the article, this is becoming a systematic process by the IDF.


B'Tselem: The Era of Impunity for Istraeli Decision-Makers is Over     

Al Jazerra: ICC Arrest Warrants Sought for Israeli, Hamas Leaders     


Intercept: The State Department Says Israel Isn't Blocking Aid. Videos Show the Opposite.     


Al Jazeera: Gaza is Wiped Off the Map; 700,000 Palestinians Flee Israeli Onslaught     


Intercept: Israel Wants Endless War Without the Politics. Biden's Going Along for the Doomed Ride     


Guardian: US Support for Abortion Rights Up Four Points to 60% Since Fall of Roe v Wade       


In These Times: On Parenthood and Genocide    

ProPublica: IRS Audit of Trump Could Cost Former President More Than $100 Million - In addition to the $83.3 M he owes E. Jean Carroll, and the $454 M for the civil fraud case.


Common Dreams: 'Friday News Dump': Biden State Dept Report Accepts Israeli Assurances     

Guardian: Abigail Disney Evokes Old Yeller in Plea to Reject  Republicans After Kristi Noem Kills Dog       


Guardian: Harsh Police Tactics Questioned Amid US Campus Protest Crackdown  


Guardian: Emory University Under Federal Investigation Over Alledged anti-Muslim Discrimination     

Al Jazeera: Gaza War $40 BN, 80 Years to Fully Rebuild From Relentless Israeli Attacks - And guess who's going to foot that bill.


Intercept: Judith Butler Will Not Co-Sign Israel's Alibi For Genocide     


Intercept: Cable News Viewers Have a Skewed Attitude Toward Gaza War, Survey Finds     


Politico: The Far Right's Campaign to Explode the Population - Also see: Slate: It Wasn't Abortion That Formed the Religious Right. It Was Support for Segregation.     

Planned Parenthood: Historical Abortion Law TimeLine 1850 to Today     


Democracy-Now: Atlanta Police Violently Arrest Emory Students & Faculty to Clear Gaza Solidarity Encampment - At the 13:02 mark of this video is an example of a faculty member peacefully protesting and being assaulted by Atlanta Police. She was later charged with assault. At 13:24 begins an interview with the Chairwoman of the Emory Philosophy Dept describing the violent assault by Atlanta police.


BBC: UN Rights Chief 'Horrified' by Mass Graves at Gaza Hospital     


Aljazeera: Israel's War on Gaza: 13 Children From Same Family Killed in Israeli Strikes     


Guardian: Extremist Israeli Settlers Hit by EU and US Sanctions     

Intercept: Idaho Goes to Supreme Court to Argue that Pregnant People Are Second-Class Citizens     


Intercept: NYTimes Brass Moves to Stanch Leaks Over Gaza Coverage - Also see: Yes Magazine: Claims of Mass Rapes by Hamas Unravel Upon Investigation     


ProPublica: Blinken is Sitting on Staff Recommendations to Sanction Israeli Military Units Linked to Killings and Rapes     


Intercept: US, not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles ..."this was a U.S. military triumph"    


Intercept: Israel and Israel Alone Kicked Off this Escalation - In a Bid to Drag US Into War With Iran - "...fostered by blind US support..."    

Intercept: Israel Conflict Spreads to 16 Nations as Biden Says There's No War     


Jewish Voice for Peace: Did Nancy Pelosi Just Ask Biden to Hault Weapons to Israel?  


Guardian: Chef José Andrés: Israel Engaging in a War Against Humanity    


Congress of the United States: 'Withhold any further aid to Israeli Military until the murder of seven World Central Kitchen workers is fully investigated and all responsible parties are held to full account.' Signed by 50+ members of Congress.


Guardian: 'Not  A Normal War': Doctors Say Children Have Been Targeted by Israeli Snipers in Gaza  

News & Observer: Federal Judge Orders NC Democrats to Pay Some of Green Party's Legal Fees From Ballot Battle - Not only did the judge rule that the Green Party should be on the ballot in NC, but he fined the Democratic Party for trying to keep them off of it. Right On!


Common Dreams: Ireland Joins ICG Case Against Israel     

Common Dreams: Another State Dept. Official Resigns Over Biden Gaza Policy     


Intercept: Man-Made Hell on Earth: A Canadian Doctor on His Medical Mission to Gaza - All Americans should read and fully absorb what their tax money is being used for.  


New Yorker: The Children Who Lost Limbs in Gaza    


NYTimes: Democrats Prepare Aggressive Counter to Third-Party Threats - Democrats are bringing out the old 'Nader voters elected Bush' routine again this year.

While 90,000 Florida voters of all persuasions (not just Democrats) voted for Nader in 2000, over 300,000 registered Democrats voted for Bush. 191,000 self-described liberals voted for Bush. A final count of all the votes showed that Gore actually won Florida. The Supreme Court stopped the count and appointed Bush - he was not elected. If Gore had won his home state, Florida would not even have mattered.

It's not the 'spoiler threat' that bothers the two major parties. What bothers them allowing voters to express their true preferences. They erupt whenever the two party focus is threatened. The two parties want to present voters with themselves as the only alternatives at the ballot box. They'll talk all day about Robert Kennedy - a candidate they know they can beat, but notice how they never mention the Green Party. They don't want a fair fight.


Human Rights Watch: Israeli Forces' Conduct in Gaza. HRW and Oxfam Submission to Biden Administration - Multiple examples of war crimes including the use of white phosphorus on civilians (children), which under US law should stop the transfer of weapons to Israel. Genocide Joe doesn't care as long as cable news doesn't say too much about it.


Guardian: Among the Exvangelicals    


Intercept: TikTok Threat is Purely Hypothetical, US Intelligence Admits - "In interviews and testimony to Congress about TikTok, leaders of the FBI, CIA, and the director of national intelligence have in fact been careful to qualify the national security threat posed by TikTok as purely hypothetical."

Guardian: Are Progressive Politics the Real Reason that American Lawmakers Are Spooked by TikTok?     


Intercept: The Left is Finally Building a Response to AIPAC    

Common Dreams: State Department-Commissioned Report Warns AI Could be An Extinction Level Threat    


Yes Magazine: Claims of Mass Rape By Hamas Unravel Upon Investigation     


Intercept: How Israel Quietly Crushed Early American Jewish Dissent on Palestine     


Intercept: Biden is Bankrolling Israel's War Amid Growing Hardship at Home    


Intercept: The Story Behind the NYTimes Oct 7 Exposé    


Guardian: UN Rights Expert: Israel is Deliberately Starving Palestinians - From the article: "...denial of food is a war crime and constitutes a situation of genocide."  


Common Dreams: 50 Arrested in Jewish-led Protest of Gaza Genocide at Biden TV Taping     


Common Dreams: Starvation Leads Gazans to Eat Horse Meat, Animal Feed    

Common Dreams: Theocratic Trump Tells Right-Wing Christians They Will Have Power at 'Level You've Never Used Before'    


Intercept: AIPAC Ally Slams "Uncommitted" Voters Warning Biden to Change Course on Gaza    


Reuters: Israel Intensifies Strikes on Gaza's Rafah, Killing Large Family in Home    

Common Dreams: AOC Blasts AIPAC as 'The NRA of Foreign Policy'    

Yes Magazine: Is Biden Determined to Lose The Election Over Israel?  


MSN: US Will Veto Another UN Ceasefire Resolution    


Guardian: Trump's Legal Woes Have Now More Than $500m - How Will He Pay?       


Guardian: How Biden Erased Progress He Made and Alienated the Left As Elections Loom     


Intercept: Historic Turnout in Pakistan Is Swamping the Military's Efforts to Rig the Election - An very interesting 10 min. read about an incredible turn of events in Pakistan. As usual, the US is supporting the dictator with no respect for the outcome of the democratic election.


Intercept: Israel's Ruthless Propaganda Machine to Dehumanize Palestinians    


MSNBC: Thomas Friedman Describing the Middle East as an 'Animal Kingdom' is Even Worse Than It Sounds  


Politico: Forget No Labels. Biden's Third Party Peril is On The Left - Biden operatives: "they must begin restoring the president’s standing on the left now...There are gentle ways to do that...and more aggressive steps...In the short term, that means seizing on any chance to complicate the ballot access of the third-party candidates and attempting to discredit their motives or at least highlight the less savory aspects of their character."


CNBC: Three People Arrested in $400 Million FTX Crypto Hack Conspiracy - See entries of 10/17/23 - $3 Billion, 2/8/22 - $3.6 Billion, and 4/26/21- $???Billions. So you think crypto is so secure?

Guardian: John Fetterman Wants Us to Respect His Pain - Even As He Mocks Palestians'     


Guardian: Activist Who Led Ouster of Harvard President Linked to 'Scientific Racism'    

Vox: How Boeing Put Profits Over Planes    


NYTimes: In Gaza, a War the World Can't See - "a world that doesn’t know the meaning of humanity”


Intercept: NYTimes Puts "Daily" Episode on Ice Amid Internal Firestorm Over Hamas Sexual Violence Episode    


Guardian: TED Fellows Resign After Bill Ackman Named As Speaker - The bully billionaire who ousted Claudine Gray from Harvard


Intercept: Republicans Claim to Love Both Mothers and Children. Their Policies Prove They Love Neither.     


Intercept: After House Speaker Mike Johnson Pushed Through Israel Aid Package, AIPAC Cash Came Flowing In    


Guardian: 'Different Rules': Special Policies Keep US Supplying Weapons to Israeil Despite Alleged Abuses    


Yes Magazine: Reporting From the Frontlines of Genocide     


Guardian: Senate Votes Against Sanders Resolution to Force Human Rights Scrutiny over Israel Aid    


In These Times: On Parenthood and Genocide    


Guardian: Thousands March on Washington to Demand Gaza Cease Fire    

Guardian: Bernie Warns Biden: Address Middle-Class Fears or Risk Losing to a Demagogue     


Guardian: Revealed: Congress Backer of Gaza War Received Most from Pro-Israel Donors     

Guardian: West Bank Videos Show Israeli Troops Killing Teenager and Driving Over Man's Body     


NPR: 'This Year is a Nightmare": Gaza's Children Face Starvation    


Intercept: CNN Runs Gaza Coverage Past Jerusalem Team Operating Under Shadow of IDF



Guardian: Billionaire Bully Who Led Calls for Claudine Gay's Harvard Exit  


Guardian: Bernie Calls on Congress to Block Funding to Israel    

AP: US National Debt Hits Record $34T as Congress Gears Up for Funding Fight - National debt explained.

Politics 2023


Pelosi laughs out loud at the prospect that progressives will not support whatever health care crumbs she decides to throw their way, even if it doesn't include a Public Option.

Courtesy Fulton County Sheriff's Office

The hands of American justice are sure.

Eventually the perps do hear the cell door slam .

Right This Way!

Fair is Fair, right guys?